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Copper and It’s Importance to the Circular Economy.

Copper is integral to the circular economy due to its recyclability and the minimal loss of properties during the recycling process. Here are key reasons why copper is vital to the circular economy:

High Recyclability
Copper can be recycled repeatedly without degradation of its properties. This makes it an ideal material for a circular economy, where the goal is to keep resources in use for as long as possible. Our target is to exceed our current recycling rate approx. 40% to 80% and above.
Resource Efficiency
Recycling copper requires significantly less energy compared to primary copper production from ore. This leads to substantial energy savings and a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, contributing to more sustainable industrial processes.
Waste Reduction
By recycling copper, waste is minimized, reducing the need for landfill space and lowering the environmental impact associated with mining and raw material extraction.
Economic Value
Recycled copper retains high economic value, providing financial incentives for its recovery and reuse. This supports economic sustainability by creating jobs in the recycling industry and reducing the costs associated with raw material procurement.
Support for Green Technologies
Copper is essential in the development of renewable energy technologies such as wind turbines, solar panels, and electric vehicles. Its recyclability ensures a sustainable supply of this critical material, supporting the transition to a low-carbon economy.
Material Security
Recycling copper reduces dependence on mining, thus enhancing material security and ensuring a stable supply of this essential resource for future generations.
In summary, copper’s high recyclability, energy efficiency in recycling, and crucial role in green technologies make it a cornerstone of the circular economy. By continually recycling copper, we can achieve significant environmental and economic benefits, contributing to sustainable development and resource conservation