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Sustainability Management

Our Vision and Strategy

At AMPCO METAL, we are dedicated to integrating sustainability into every aspect of our business. Our vision is to be a leader in the copper and aluminium metallurgy industry in ESG excellence.

We have outlined a two-phase approach:

Phase 1: Ensure compliance with all legal requirements in every country where regulations are changing or forthcoming.

Phase 2: Develop a long-term ESG strategy focused on creating customer value, regulatory compliance, and contribution to global climate efforts.

Prior to defining the strategy for Phase 2, we need to conduct in-depth market analysis to understand what ESG aspects, beyond legal compliance, customers find valuable to their operations.

With a clear understanding of these customer priorities such as reduction of scope 3 and the circular economy, we can then design our products, services, and production processes to align with their needs and expectations.

“At AMPCO METAL, we understand that being perfect from the start isn’t the goal.”


In 2023, we commenced our ESG journey with a discovery phase, conducting a gap analysis to understand the regulatory landscape and identify material topics relevant to our business. We undertook a comprehensive Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) to measure our carbon emissions, alongside a detailed Regulatory Risk Assessment and Cost Analysis to evaluate the impact on our value chain globally. To gauge our CSR performance, we adopted ISO 26000 standards and performed an onsite assessment of our operations. These foundational efforts were essential in shaping our ESG strategy and initiatives.

Short–term Objectives

Our strategic objectives are designed to advance our sustainability agenda iteratively by integrating ESG considerations into our daily operations. We strive to balance immediate actions with our long-term goals, ensuring that our commitment to environmental stewardship, social responsibility, and robust governance is reflected in every aspect of our business.

Long–term Roadmap

AMPCO METAL is committed to ambitious long-term ESG objectives driven by customer value and Net Zero Targets. By 2030, we aim to align with the Paris Agreement targets, achieving a 45% reduction in emissions as part of our goal to reach net zero emissions by 2050. This journey reflects our dedication to sustainability and environmental responsibility, integrating these principles deeply into our corporate strategy.

Sustainability Management

AMPCO METAL has developed a framework for managing sustainability that integrates Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) considerations into our business strategy and operations. This framework is structured around five key steps: